Over the years of our life we constantly do things without thinking. How many of us have grabbed our keys and ran out the door to go pick up a child or friend realizing that we are late in picking them up just to find out when we are half way to our destination we forgot our wallet and driver’s license?
Although this does not seem to be nothing more than a mere indiscretion, this is in fact a quasi-criminal offense and an infraction. California Vehicle Code Section 12951(a) indicates in part…..”The licensee shall have the valid driver’s license issued to him or her in his or her immediate possession at all times when driving a motor vehicle upon a highway.” If this happens, you could be facing an infraction and mandated to appear in court.
In the above scenario, if you did in fact have a valid California driver’s license you may be in luck. California Vehicle Codes Section 12951(a) goes on to state that “Any charge under this subdivision shall be dismissed when the person charged produces in court a driver’s license duly issued to that person and valid at the time of his or her arrest….” Therefore although there can be an inconvenience of having to go to court to show the judge/court your valid California driver’s license issued to you before the date of the incident, the court should ultimately dismiss this case against you with a proof of correction fee usually around $25.00.
If any traffic or criminal event happens to you, call our offices and in most cases we can help avoid you having to appear in court at at all.
For more information, or for help with any legal questions visit www.KazarianAtLaw.com or call 1-657-2008-LAW